Meet our trustees

Geraint has a wealth of experience with regard to people with learning disabilities from both a personal perspective and also professionally over the last 35 years. Having worked in a voluntary capacity initially followed by a series of roles over the years from directly supporting individuals, both children and adults, through to development and management positions. Those varied roles have been in local government, further and higher education and the third sector. He has worked for 29 years at Supportability and therefore knows the organisation and the people we support incredibly well. Geraint’s particular interest lies in the positive benefits that access to opportunities around leisure and physical activities can have on individuals and their health and well-being.
I started out as a support worker after leaving school and did this for about 8 years, after which I got a job in advocacy and qualified as a Generic Advocate and an Independent Mental Capacity Advocate (IMCA). Following on from this I was Safeguarding and quality assurance lead, senior manager and Assistant Director prior to coming to Supportability in 2019 as the Head of Operations.
I am extremely passionate that people with a learning disability are afforded the same opportunities in life as anyone else and that they are supported to have a voice and be involved in decisions about their life and ensure they have their views and wishes heard and listened to.
I work alongside and support the senior leadership team in ensuring delivery of Supportability’s current three year Business strategy, making sure that we achieve our agreed targets and maintain the momentum to deliver the overall strategy for the organisation as a whole.
Why Supportability?
Having worked within Local Government for over 30 years my passion is to see people with a disability afforded the same life chances as everyone else and where better to fulfil that desire than Supportability. My background role is as a Social Worker qualifying in 1990, working through team leadership positions, operational service manager roles and ten years as an assistant director.